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Yay! Thank you.

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Words ARE better. Thank you for yours!

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Yes, it's such an exciting alternative! Thank you so much for your comment.

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I am also very happy to find you here on substack. I want to do a huge smiley face emoji but I am a bit bored with them - emojis - words are better! It is lovely to find you here!

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The way I make sure I do a LITTLE meditation every day is this - when I shower, I lean against the shower wall and let the water beat on my back and work at being still both in body and in mind. It seems to work for me. The other thing I do is a deep breathing exercise I learned from Andrew Weil when I am ready for sleep. I do the breathing about 4-5 times and it relaxes me. Unfortunately, it doesn't usually work to the extent that I fall asleep easily. My mind has a tendency to NEED to ruminate about every stinking issue that is bothering me just when I need it to push out all thoughts! sigh

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A reminder to keep a routine, but also a gentle reminder to be okay when the routine, does not routine.

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Your morning sounds so peaceful. Like so many others I was happy to find you on Substack. I actually start my day with a cup of delicious coffee and Substack and I have enjoyed reading your stories they are so good!

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A reminder to go gently into the morning before the world knows you are awake.

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so happy to see you on here! just redid my bookshelves (12 boxes to the library!!) yours were safe here..... kgh

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So thrilled to find you on Substack. It’s a much calmer environment than Facebook, which is just seemingly for ads anymore. Substack is more like a place to sit and have a long chat. I will look forward to your posts to add to my morning reading.

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