Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

Oh, Elizabeth, I'm so sorry to hear you're not well. Please take good care of yourself, and let others take good care of you, too, and you're sure to be up and about as always. I'm enjoying "I've Been Thinking..." very much, as well as every book you've ever written. I'm sure many of your fans would agree with me that we'd enjoy reading anything you write, even if it was your grocery list! lol

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

I love reading all your little post Elizabeth. They make a rainy day sunny and a sunny day warm. Hope you will .be feeling much better soon... healthy healing hugs,

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

Sorry to read this. I am recovering from a bad fall resulting in damaged knees and 2 bones broken twice in left forearm. However, each day is a little better. And I hope each day is a little better for you. During this recovery, I enjoyed your new book. And a book about Nola would be welcome when you can write it. Take care

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Ohhhh, so sorry. Keep on healing!

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May you recover in speedy time- restored.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

I can relate, Elizabeth. Recently slug-like myself for physical reasons and because grief has got me down for now. You make a good friend to read, to reassure me that it won’t last forever.

Feel better.

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That means a lot. Thank you.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

So sorry to hear about the pinched nerve. They are no joke! Hoping you feel better soon. I am learning to let others take care of me too after being involved in a rather bad car accident last week. I’m glad you have someone with you. I loved Earth’s the Right Place for Love.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

I am so sorry to hear about your back pain. I can commiserate. 3 weeks ago I fell climbing(unsuccessfully) over a baby gate and suffered a compression fracture. I don't know about you , but I am bothered that I can't do the things I usually do! I want to be healed, right away please.

I do enjoy your Substack posts SO much. May you heal quickly.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

The collective experiences we share in this world of ours! Much is said about the collective conscience but wait! Your writings on the delightful mourning cloak visit shows strong correlation to us beings sharing the simply same observations when we look and listen.

Today I awoke to the mourning cloak dove as well. Coo coo cooing on my patio right next to my door. A minute earlier to me peering out the glass door the cooing seemed unison with another. Ahh, but only one due to my curiosity and cracking open the door remained. So, I stood there cooing back, saying hello, all those quiet animations whilst she stayed perched a couple of feet away. My day had started down beat as I pulled my hip muscle trying to return an area rug back under an enormously heavy couch this past weekend. At 71 it wasn’t very smart of me.

I empathize with you about the cervical neck. I know the pain and range of disability- it pummels you into exasperation. I did finally get it resolved but only after a prosthesis of titanium replaced C-6 in a surgery back in 2008. It beat a fusion at the time and thank God it’s been good to me.

My Dalmatian keeps me company as I rest on that blasted couch😎 that still only has ½ a rug in place.

Your writing gives me a lift, not because we share a misery but for the gentle reminders of the little things that dose us up with nature- tinctures while we mend. Love your style in writing .🕊

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

So sorry you are suffering but you are surrounded by so much loving care - from humans to doggies to birds! I think about Arthur Truluv and Nola so often!

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

So sorry to hear about your back. You should read your own books...they're wonderful! Feel better.❤️

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

Hi, this is the crazy lady that gave you the egg. I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, i myself just got out of the hospital today recovering from three different infections. It’s so hard to be laid up in the spring isn’t it. I finished your book while I was in the hospital and believe me it was the only bright spot. I will be recommending it to everyone as soon I get back to work. By the way if you’re looking for a great next read, I highly recommend The Lonely Hearts Book Club by Lucy Gilmore. It reminds me of a Man Called Ove, with adorable book references thrown in. Get better quickly.

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I really love that egg. Thank you for giving it to me. It holds a place of prominence on my bookshelf.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

This makes me smile.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

There is nothing worse than having your body betray you...I hate getting old! I'm glad you are finding some joy, every day! And I agree about Barbara Crooker and James Crews! Take Care of yourself!

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

As a nurse, you know to take care of yourself with back pain. As a nurse, you are reluctant to be cared for and take the necessary rest. Why in this society do we count rest among the four-letter words? Allow the comfort of being taken care of to envelope you, please.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

So sorry about your pain - I hope it resolves soon. Take good care of yourself. Love the story about the mourning dove. Our Japanese maple in the front yard is the Cooper Bird Luncheonette and I love to watch them from my front porch any time of the day.

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Apr 4, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

I hope you feel better soon! I hope your own words comfort you like they have for me! ❤️

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

I’m so sorry for your pain. I hope you make a speedy recovery. And I’m glad you have someone taking good care of you.

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Apr 3, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

Dearest Elizabeth, Thank you for continuing to share with all of us, even when you are not feeling well. But how can I possibly enjoy reading my wonderful "I've Been Thinking..." when you are writing while ignoring your doctor's orders?! This truly leaves me guilt-ridden! Please give yourself a break so that I won't have to worry. With appreciation, gratitude, and wishes for your speedy and complete recovery, Mary

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