
Thank you so much for subscribing! And thank you too for the reminder about the workshop I want to do in June. Right now book tour is looming in a happy sort of way and I’m a little frantic with things to do. But I so want to do that workshop, so I’m putting a big fat note to myself in my office to get to it. Did you send an email to escapeintoopen@gmail.com? If not please do so and remind me of your email here today. Happy day!

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Loved your words. Thank you.

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Your writing has inspired me, ever since your “Katie” series, and has given me the courage to do a little writing myself. No novels yet, just inspiring stories. Maybe one day …. before I’m too old to type!! Keep up your great work! I especially related to your memoir about your parents, and it helped me deal with my own mom at the end of her life. Don’t stop writing!!!

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Gosh, I love typewriters.

Not that your post is really about typewriters, but it's a great photo :)

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ok - I'm convinced (When you were MIA on FB I kept going to your blog hoping to find info there -nothing there - we do have this in common - maybe it's a writer thing?) - a bit tmi - money tight BUT, the joy I always receive from your posts and your books, how do I put a price on that? So...subscribed!

I'm saving my shekels hoping for in person writing workshop in June. I so want to be chosen and date provided so I can make flying and accommodation arrangements. I know I'm like a dog with a bone (see? I KNOW you would never use that comparison and would come up with something original!!) about this but, I finished first draft of my memoir and, am now in the edit and, especially, deleting garbage stage.

I'm reading "The Promise" and he also writes beautiful descriptions. That's the skill I hope to learn about. I want readers to not only picture what I write but be surprised by it. It's what I have always loved the most about your writing. I often catch my breath reading a passage - it's inspiring!

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