Jun 16, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

Oh, so true! And we all have these drawers that could speak to us😍😍

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

I have more than one junk drawer…not too long ago I did clean one of them out and I can open and close it with ease now!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

I absolutely love this and am positive our drawers are related.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

I think there should be a National Kitchen Drawer Day to honor those poor beleaguered and often ignored kitchen drawers. To celebrate we could agree to take at least three things out and toss them.

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Great idea!

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

Treasure hunt in my Junque drawer is always full of surprises!

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Once again, you are describing me!!

I have several such drawers - the one in my kitchen that holds every small gadget known to mankind. Since I'm moving next week I actually have had to clean out every one of such drawers. The kitchen one contained several gadgets I looked at and, either, there are other parts to them missing or, I have NO idea what they are! I do know I HAD to have each and every one! They were each necessary to my well being and were going to make my life easier! This time, unlike every other move I have made, I promised myself several things because, for the first time in my life I am moving somewhere half the size of my present very large condo -

1) if I don't know what it is - throw it out! If, sometime in the future, I see on tv the thing I threw out and now MUST have it, I will buy it....and probably label it so I know what the hell it is the next time i happen upon it

2) Donate all my size zeros and and one or two up from - I know I am never going to lose the weight required to EVER be that tiny ever again! Time to face reality. This is the honest to who or whatever truth - I donated about 26 garbage bags of clothes!! Pathetic I know. The funny thing is, my closet reminds my of the long ago circus shows I would go to when I was a child - you know the act I mean - the VW where the clowns come out...and out....and out! I look and it still holds way too many clothes and I hope they will all fit in my much smaller closet.

3) The drawer in my dressing room - I threw out hundreds of eye shadows, lipsticks, hand cream, body lotion etc. I wear makeup a few times a month at most. I kept the maybe dozen things I actually use....occasionally! Out went the ten or twelve sewing kits - I can't even thread a needle! My husband would sew a button if needed and he passed away over two years ago. The twelve large bags of cotton makeup pads - Costco of course - gave all but two away.

4) that drawer in the bathroom - my husband was a packrat - never left a hotel without all the soaps, shampoos, conditioners, body lotions and shower gels. I kept the shower gels and donated the rest to Boca Helping Hands. Same with the thousands of samples from the dentists office he collected over the decades!

The hardest things to part with were the shoes and pocketbooks. I decided, no matter how pretty they are, if I hadn't worn them in two years, donated to Pap Corps.

And, there are the picture albums and loose pictures. If I looked at a picture from our many travels and hadn't written where it was taken and I didn't know - out it went. I had thousands and thousands of pictures of my three grandchildren - I managed to narrow those down a bit. Out went all the pictures of people I never cared for that were at gatherings we went to. I consolidated and threw out three empty albums that were in terrible shape. Friends had told me to take pictures of my pictures with my phone - some I was able to do that - many I just like looking at in an album.

Cards - I love a great card. I know we all send them via email now but I keep all the "real" ones you send in an envelope and stamp it. I do occasionally still mail one out. I could only part with the more generic ones. The ones that either make me laugh out loud (I still like spelling that out - more impactful imo (!)) or bring a tear to my eyes.

Once again, you delight me so!! I love to laugh and when you write a funny piece, it always makes me laugh again and again.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

There's nothing like a junk drawer. We've all got one... https://www.judithfreemanclark.com/workszoom/5200781/junk-drawer#/

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That’s great!

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I think we have the same drawer.

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Jun 15, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg

Do you have any idea how many people will now be cleaning out their junk drawers? Good work! :)

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Oh my! What a delightful conversation from you, Elizabeth. Like when you talk with your dogs! Just what I needed this morning. Only now I need to change my schedule for the day and go have a “look see” in my kitchen drawer. Only I have to find a way to open it! Thank you for making me smile!Elizabeth Ogilvy

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deletedJun 15, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg
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Thank you! I’ll try it.

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deletedJun 15, 2023Liked by Elizabeth Berg
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